Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

#FredWareFM (turntable.fm-room)

I created my own turntable.fm room.

Help me fill this room with more "Party-Poopers". Let us hear your type of music.

Keep it fun, clean and remember one thing. "Rock On"

Click here for the #Rules

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hackers turn Verizon signal booster into a mobile hacking machine

A group of hackers from security firm iSEC found a way to tap right into verizon wireless cell phones using a signal-boosting devices made by Samsung for Verizon and cost about $250.

They hack Verizon's signal-boosting devices, nows as femtocells or network extenders, which anyone can buy online, and turned it into a cell phone answer tower small enough to fit inside a backpack capable of capturing and interceptingn all calls, text messages and data sent by mobile devices within range.

"This is not about how the NSA would attack ordinary people. This is about how ordinary people would attack ordinary people," said Tom Ritter, a senior consultant, iSEC.

They declined to disclose how they had modified the softwqre on the device and but they plan to give more elaborate demonstrations in various hacking conference this year.

Verizon Wireless already released a Linux software update in March to fix the flaw that prevents its network extenders from being compromised in the manner reported by ritter and DePerry.

They claimed that, with a little more work, tey could ahve weaponized it for stealth attacks by packaging all equipment needed for a surveillance operation into a backpack that could be dropped near a target they wanted to monitor.

This particular femtocell taps int o Verizon phones. However, they believe i tmight be possible to find a similar problem with femtocells that work with other providers.

- Hackers Manual

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Beware of Fake Android AntiVirus and Mobile Ransomware

"Ransomware" may be a term you haven't heard before. This type of criminal malware, which spread around the world on PCs in 2012, enrypts some or all the files on a computer and holds them for ransom and Cyber thieves have already made milions through such methods.

Ransomware is no longer all about computers. It has evolved to now target mobile devies specifically Androids platform. For a hacker a pop up message is just one more way to steal money by sending fake alerts and serious warings that scare a user into making a payment.

For example, in the case of PCs, we have encountered malware that encrypt crucial data on a user's hard disk, asking the victim to pay a sum to the attacker in order to recover his/her data.

Last year in NOvember at many Hacking Conferences, Security Researcher Mohit Kumar (@Unix_Root) and Android hacker Mahesh Rakheja already demonstrated one of the most sophisticated android malware called "Android Malware Engine", one of its kind yet, that includes the first Android malware Mobile Ransomware worm ever seen.

Fake Android Defender application displays a false malware detection in an effort to gain the victim's confidence and to con you into paying for software to remove the infection, while ransomware locks up your mobile device and prevents you from using it at all until the ransom is paid.

You won't be able to open any new apps, and ultimately will make your device unusable , until you pay for it. Ransom demands vary and can be anywhre between $30-$100. Cybercriminals have been found to earn up to $30,000 a day on scams such as these!

The key to staying protected against these threats is to ensure that you do not get them on to your device in the first place. Android is open and allows you to download and install apps from virtually anywhere, but those apps might not be vetted and often can't be trusted.

Make sure you are going to attennd 'The Hackers Conference' 2013 this year at New Delhi on August 25th 2013 to understand that how genuine applications are Spying on you for Intelligence Information Gathering and stealing your Private Data exploiting your Privacy.

- Hackers Manual

Saturday, July 13, 2013

What is wrong here?

What do we think of this? Is this normal? Could this be? Is this allowed to happen? No, most certainly NOT. This is been going on for a few years now but no one is thinking about it. If I were you, I would go do some serious researching about facebook. Cause it can't be trusted. I mean there's no privacy at all. And America, well ... The United States, their status is kind of going down in the world's population's eyes. We hear a lot about these kind of stuff.

Edward Snowden for example. According to a lot of people, he did the right thing. And yes, normally it is. Even he himself, he is accused of stuff he did not even do. This is so Americans, they add a lot of crimes in people's records. Oh, and what they're doing is correct? I guess NOT.

I'm not going to spend much time on this one. It's your job to do some research. Read books, books have answers to everything. The half of you people don't even know who Julian Assange is. It is time to hit the Internet.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Face the fact

Yes, I am pointing this out to you, Blog-Reader.

I have never been the type of person who disturbs other people by telling more about my religion. But some of the people around me are really being ignorant. For instance, how could you possibly say that you yourself is the only person that helped you make it so far. How could you possibly say that? Who made you? Who created you? Who put them limbs of yours in your body? Your mom and dad? Who gave you the color of your eyes? Faith?

What the F#@k?

Need some Pentothal, Liar?

I know why they become Atheists. Oh Yes, I do. Just because someone told you to do something better in your life, or tells you you are doing something wrong cause it is forbidden in certain religions doesn't force you to deny god's existence. You are to arrogant to admit what you were doing was wrong. "No one needs to tell what I should do". Sounds familiar? It reminds me of what I read about a few weeks ago. Risk behavior. This is especially known for AIDS. (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) The most common phrase sexual active persons say is: "It won't happen to me." Well, that is risk behavior right there.

"Come to the point"

We are just humans. We can't handle this life on our own, man. We need something or someone to guide and help us through. And if you are believing in someone or something. Pray everyday. Just don't call it or him/she out only when you are in need. Let it or him/her know that you need them everyday. Praise them everyday.

C'mon people, get your a§§es out of your heads. Start today. I'm not commanding you, I'm asking you. And If you don't accept it. That is okay, it's your life, it's your opinion, it's your answer. At least care to be interested in researching about life itself in the Holy Books of certain religions. Make up your mind, Life didn't come with instructions. Study it, Examine it, Question it and decide your answers. Don't be another someone or something. Be that someone.