Monday, June 10, 2013

Deadbeats who benefit from girl.s.(friends)


What do I have to say about these types of shitfaces? Actually there is a lot to say. Facts, opinions, experienced events and what not. Men have opinions about them and so does the women. But what is there primarily to say about these, troglodytes? Where do we begin?


... something I would like to say. Whoever they are, I cannot state a cause. Is it because of the wrong nurture? The wrong education? Bad friends? Who knows. But we know one thing. Parents made a big mistake. They should have kept an eye on them. Or better said, They should have kept their eyes on them. Better know it, peeps.

Why are they proceeding?

Well, a big enemy of theirs is visiting them and whispers foul stuff in their ears. That enemy is called 'ego'. Their ego, man. That is the big problem. You could say friends play a big part as well but the ego is the only thing that keeps him proceeding. In his friend's eyes, he is a dude that found success in life. But on the contrary, he's just a deadbeat who needs some green. What he does is actually stealing money with nothing in return. The girl thinks he's returning something but no, my love, he's not. He's faking. This is another problem that won't end.

They don't think ahead. They forgot about the past, they don't worry about the future. Live today. That is wrong. What if this would happen to their daughter(s)? What would they say? "I shouldn't have done that in the past" en bla bla. No. Think now. And let me tell you a sad thing. They actually think they are real men. Are they?


They are just boys actually. They will not grow up only if they turn their desire down. And if his friends think he's cool, then they aren't real friends. Even they are not real men. A friend is supposed to shine the right path, right? What are they doing here? They shut off their lights and they have let their friend take the wrong path because it was too dark. Even friends can make a person go south.

You see, a lot of elements play a big part somewhere somehow. But we also need the girls to be a little tougher. Stand up for yourself. Talk him out. Beat his a§§, if you have to. He is the one that needs to spend money. Not always but just let him know that you appreciate the fact that he pays for everything. Just say once in a while that you are going to pay for a next meal or whatever. It would do him good. And back to the dudes, I don't mean to be disrespectful or anything. But deep down you know what I'm talking about. Even YOU knows that it is very wrong.

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