Saturday, July 13, 2013

What is wrong here?

What do we think of this? Is this normal? Could this be? Is this allowed to happen? No, most certainly NOT. This is been going on for a few years now but no one is thinking about it. If I were you, I would go do some serious researching about facebook. Cause it can't be trusted. I mean there's no privacy at all. And America, well ... The United States, their status is kind of going down in the world's population's eyes. We hear a lot about these kind of stuff.

Edward Snowden for example. According to a lot of people, he did the right thing. And yes, normally it is. Even he himself, he is accused of stuff he did not even do. This is so Americans, they add a lot of crimes in people's records. Oh, and what they're doing is correct? I guess NOT.

I'm not going to spend much time on this one. It's your job to do some research. Read books, books have answers to everything. The half of you people don't even know who Julian Assange is. It is time to hit the Internet.

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